So you want to buy something, but don't know how much you should pay for it?
Or want to sell something and don't know how much you could get for it? Frustrated by
search engines and comparison shopping sites that compare the price of a $300 smartphone
to the price of a $5 cable for it? Then look no further as you've come to the right place!
Enter PriceMarx - the most accurate price analytics engine on the market!
PriceMarx is an analytics engine utilizing state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) and statistical analysis
techniques to bring you the most accurate and up-to-date price estimate of any goods that are bought or sold on the market.
From electronics, car parts, movies, books and CDs, to groceries and clothing, both new and second-hand, from
brick-and-mortar stores to individual sellers at online auctions - we know it all! And when we don't, we learn
and learn fast. Every time you search for something, our system uses your selections to get smarter. With
thousands of users all across North America it gets smart very quickly.
This is how it works: you enter a description, a UPC or an ISBN code of whatever you're looking for. We look for it
on many e-commerce Web sites. If we've never seen this item before, or our AI system is unsure about it, you will
be asked to help it by selecting a few relevant items from the list presented to you. You don't have to manually
pick them all - 5-10 would suffice. The system would use your input to learn how to identify this item and how to
tell it apart from the items that contain the same words as your search phrase, but do not represent what you are
looking for. You will then be presented with an estimate of the fair market value and a list of currently active
listings selling the item you are looking for.
The system will use your suggestions to train itself and once it is confident about the information it has, it will stop asking
you for suggestions and will simply give you the answer. With many users providing their input occasionally, the chance
of us needing your help to make an estimate is decreasing.
Made or spotted an error? No problem - just click on the "This doesn't look right" button below the price estimate
and the system will ask for your suggestions anew. It is also actively looking for erroneous data as you make your
suggestions and will take you back to the Suggestions page and let you correct the error.
Here's an example to illustrate this: suppose you're looking for a set of winter tires for your car. Tires can be
sold separately, or mounted on rims. Of course, tires with rims would cost significantly more than tires without rims.
Tires can be sold individually or in a set of four. Obviously it would be wrong to compare the price of a single tire
to the price of a set of four tires mounted on rims. But unfortunately most search engines and e-commerce Web sites
cannot make this distinction. However, you can. So you can write a search query that is specific to what you're looking
for, say, "4 winter tires 205/60R16 no rims", and when presented with a list of suggestions, pick a few of those that,
in your opinion, fit this description.
While unlikely, sometimes we might be unable to give you a price estimate right away. This may happen when you're looking for a very rare
item that is hard to come by, like a collectible poster, or a part for a classic car. Sometimes the item is available for
sale, but only an online auction, so its price would become available later. If this happens, simply check back later.